import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class imageUtilsDemo{
public static void displayImage(BufferedImage img)
ImageIcon icon=new ImageIcon(img);
JFrame frame=new JFrame();
frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
frame.setSize(img.getWidth() + 100 ,img.getHeight() + 100);
JLabel lbl=new JLabel();
public static void displayImage(int[][][] matrix){
public static BufferedImage convert3DMatrixToBufferedImage(int[][][] matrix) {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(matrix[0].length, matrix.length, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
for (int i = 0; i < img.getHeight(); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < img.getWidth(); j++){
img.setRGB(j, i, new Color(matrix[i][j][0], matrix[i][j][1], matrix[i][j][2]).getRGB());
return img;
public static BufferedImage loadImageAsBufferedImage(String path) {
BufferedImage img = null;
try {
img = File(path));
} catch (IOException e) {}
return img;
public static int[][][] convertBufferedImageTo3DMatrix(BufferedImage img) {
int[][][] matrix = new int[img.getHeight()][img.getWidth()][3];
for (int i = 0; i < img.getHeight(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < img.getWidth(); j++) {
Color color = new Color(img.getRGB(j,i));
matrix[i][j][0] = color.getRed();
matrix[i][j][1] = color.getGreen();
matrix[i][j][2] = color.getBlue();
return matrix;
public static int[][][] loadImageAs3DMatrix(String path) {
return convertBufferedImageTo3DMatrix(loadImageAsBufferedImage(path));
public static int[][][] grayToNormalizedColor(int [][] I){
int [][][] G = new int[I.length][I[0].length][3];
int max=0;
int min = 10000;
int color;
for(int r=0;r for(int c=0;c if(I[r][c] > max)
max = I[r][c];
if (I[r][c] < min)
min = I[r][c];
for(int r=0;r for(int c=0;c color = 255*(I[r][c] - min)/(max-min);
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
return G;
//This method receives a left image IL and a right image IR as 3D arrays, m X n X 3
//which means row X column X RGBcolor
//it returns a disparity map D of size m X n (which means row X disparity)
public static int[][] getImageDisparity(int[][][] IL, int[][][] IR, int occlusionCost) {
int[][] disparity = new int[IL.length][IL[0].length];
for (int i=0;i disparity[i] = getRowDisparity(IL[i], IR[i], occlusionCost);
//displayTwoD(disparity); //for debugging
return disparity;
// integer counters to try to get an idea about the path from the bottom right corner to the top left corner of the matrix
public static int vX_Counter;
public static int vY_Counter;
public static int vZ_Counter;
public static int lcX_Counter;
public static int lcY_Counter;
public static int lcZ_Counter;
//this method receives the rows as 2D arrays, rows X color and returns the disparity of each row, stored in a 1D array
public static int[] getRowDisparity(int[][] IL, int[][] IR, int occlusionCost) {
// for the motorcycle image, row and column are 901 here
// because like the input strings in edit distance the inputs here are of the same length
// otherwise it would not be a good comparison
int [][]disparity = new int[IL.length+1][IR.length+1];
//The first row and column of the the matrix are filled with the cost of not matching pixels
//meaning: d[i][0] = i*oclussionCost
// and d[0][j] = j*oclussionCost
for (int i=0; i//rows
disparity[i][0] = i*occlusionCost;
for (int j=0; j//columns
disparity[0][j] = j*occlusionCost;
//The rest of the matrix is filled as follows:
for (int j=0; j//columns
for (int i=0; i//rows
int x = disparity[i][j+1]+occlusionCost;
int y = disparity[i+1][j]+occlusionCost;
int z = disparity[i][j] + (int)Math.sqrt( (int)Math.pow((IL[i][0]-IR[j][0]), 2)+(int)Math.pow((IL[i][1]-IR[j][1]), 2)+(int)Math.pow((IL[i][2]-IR[j][2]), 2) ) ;
disparity[i+1][j+1] = min(x, y, z);
int lcMinimum = disparity[i+1][j+1];
//added this part for debugging. It's not really necessary
if (lcMinimum == y) {
if (lcMinimum == x) {
if (lcMinimum == z) {
//for debugging
//System.out.println("So I think this means the edit distance of the row is : " + disparity[disparity.length-1][disparity[0].length-1]); //prints bottom right hand corner
int row=disparity.length-1; //has to be minus one
int col=disparity[0].length-1; //has to be minus one
int current = disparity[disparity.length-1][disparity[0].length-1]; //current is initialized, to go through the path from the end to the beginning
//System.out.println("current is: " + current); //for debugging
int[] disp = new int[disparity.length];
//System.out.println("disp.length is: " + disp.length); //disp.length for the motorcycle image is: 901
try {
while(true) {
// according to the notes disp[i-1]=i-j; so:
disp[row-1] = row-col;
int vX = disparity[row-1][col-1-1]+occlusionCost; //add -1 to offset
//System.out.println("vX is: " + vX); //for debugging
int vY = disparity[row-1-1][col-1]+occlusionCost;
//System.out.println("vY is: " + vY); //for debugging
int vZ = disparity[row-1][col-1] + (int)Math.sqrt( (int)Math.pow((IL[col-1][0]-IR[col-1][0]), 2)+(int)Math.pow((IL[col-1][1]-IR[col-1][1]), 2)+(int)Math.pow((IL[col-1][2]-IR[col-1][2]), 2) ) ;
//System.out.println("vZ is: " + vZ); //for debugging
int minimum = min(vX, vY, vZ);
if (minimum == vY) {
//System.out.println("Y->" + disparity[row-1][col]); //for debugging
current = disparity[row-1][col];
if (minimum == vX) {
//System.out.println("X->" + disparity[row][col-1]); //for debugging
current = disparity[row][col-1];
if (minimum == vZ) {
//System.out.println("Z->" + disparity[row-1][col-1]); //for debugging
current = disparity[row-1][col-1];
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
//System.out.println("0"); //for debugging
//This line prints the 1D array to the screen in a line
//so when the getImageDisparity method calls this method i times this line winds up displaying over and over
//which is useful to see in the konsole, because if all the numbers are zero's then some thing went wrong.
return disp;
//this method returns the minimum of the 3 input integers
public static int min(int A, int B, int C) {
int result = A;
if (B result = B;
if (C result = C;
return result;
// auxiliary method to display to screen for debugging
public static void displayTwoD(int[][] arr) {
for (int i=0; i //System.out.print(" " + i + " ");
for (int j=0; j System.out.print( arr[i][j] + "\t" );
// auxiliary method to display to screen
public static void displayOneD(int[] arr) {
for (int i=0; i System.out.print( arr[i] + "\t" );
public static void main(String[] args) {
long timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis();
//int [][][] L = loadImageAs3DMatrix("i0_l.jpg"); //given
//int [][][] R = loadImageAs3DMatrix("i0_r.jpg");
//int [][][] L = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/i0_l.jpg"); //works
//int [][][] R = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/i0_r.jpg");
//int [][][] L = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/rsz_umb_1.gif"); //works
//int [][][] R = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/rsz_umb_2.gif");
int [][][] L = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/rsz_bluetrashcanim0.jpg"); //works
int [][][] R = loadImageAs3DMatrix("/home/andreas/rsz_bluetrashcanim1.jpg");
int[][] A = (getImageDisparity(L,R, 15 )); //20 is good for occlusionCost
int Lheight = L.length;
int Lwidth = L[0].length;
System.out.println("the height and width of Image L are: " + Lheight + " by " + Lwidth + " pixels");
int Rheight = R.length;
int Rwidth = R[0].length;
System.out.println("the height and width of Image R are: " + Rheight + " by " + Rwidth + " pixels");
// integer counters to try to troubleshoot the path from the bottom right corner to the top left corner
System.out.println("The xCounter is: " + vX_Counter);
System.out.println("The yCounter is: " + vY_Counter);
System.out.println("The zCounter is: " + vZ_Counter);
System.out.println("The lcX_Counter is: " + lcX_Counter);
System.out.println("The lcY_Counter is: " + lcY_Counter);
System.out.println("The lcZ_Counter is: " + lcZ_Counter);
long timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeFor = timeAfter-timeBefore;
System.out.println("The time it took is: " + timeFor + " milli seconds");
System.out.println("Which is: " +((timeFor)/(1000)) + " seconds");
//System.out.println("Which is: " +((timeFor)/(1000))/60 + "minutes");
System.out.println("done."); //to let the user know the program has stopped running